Teaching Experience
University of Victoria
Sessional Instructor, Quantitative Research Methods in Child and Youth Care (CYC 545), Spring 2019
Sessional Instructor, Quantitative Methods (PHSP 425), Spring 2019
Sessional Instructor, Public Health Research and Evaluation (PHSP 506), Fall 2019
Teaching Assistant, Biostatistics (PHSP 502), Spring 2018
Teaching Assistant Public Health Epidemiology (PHSP 501), Fall 2017
Simon Fraser University
Faculty Lecturer, Global Adolescent and Young Adult Health (HSCI 345), Spring 2018, Spring 2019
Faculty Lecturer, Seminar in Epidemiology (HSCI 432), Fall 2018
Faculty Lecturer, Exploratory Strategies in Epidemiology (HSCI 330), Fall 2018
Tutorial Instructor, Foundations of Health Science (HSCI 130), Spring 2016
Tutorial Instructor, Injury and Disability (HSCI 215), Fall 2015
Brigham Young University
Teaching Assistant, Civilizations (HIST 201), Fall 2012, Summer 2013, Spring 2013, Fall 2013, Fall 2014
Teaching Assistant, Infectious Diseases (HLTH 311), Spring 2014
Teaching Assistant, Honors Civilizations (HIST 201H), Spring 2012
Rave Reviews
“Dr. Card has greatly impacted my understanding of public health and my current career in the Indian Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. The applied research training that Dr. Card provided me has been critically important for my current work … His teaching style is unorthodox compared to many of my other professors, but it makes him incredibly effective in invoking critical thinking and engagement from students.” - Sumrit B.
“We have many great professors/lecturers in the Faculty of Health Sciences. Nevertheless, as a senior undergraduate student, I can attest that few lecturers have the combination of an in-depth knowledge, patience, professionalism, and kind demeanor like Dr. Card has.” - Payman B.
“Kiffer’s course not only provide me with the foundation to pursue more knowledge in epidemiology, but it enhanced my interest in this topic - which I did not think was possible. Kiffer went above and beyond in his receptiveness to feedback throughout the course, more so than I have experienced with any professor at SFU. I truly believe that this receptiveness was a crucial component to my successes in this course!” - Angel K.
“This class was one of the few epi courses at SFU that wasn't a waste of time. You actually do things like learn how to code in R and the only other major assignment was to write a fellowship proposal that you could use for a masters program! The R textbook that Dr. Card developed for the course was really helpful.” - Anonymous, Rate my Professor
“Favorite Professor at SFU! Would definitely take another course from him! All of his instructions are very thorough as he wants students to succeed. His lectures are very interesting and engaging.” - Anonymous, Rate my Professor