COVID-19 is a disease resulting from a coronavirus. Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that typically cause respiratory illnesses, such as the common cold. COVID-19 causes severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) in humans. The severity of COVID-19 is difficult to estimate because the number of people infected with coronavirus remains uncertain. The testing programs of most countries are still in their infancy. Nevertheless, the charts below show global progress towards providing tests, identifying cases, and preventing mortality among cases.
While the severity of COVID-19 is low among younger and healthier individuals, preventing the spread of COVID-19 is essential for protecting those who are older or who have underlying health conditions. Research suggests that the mortality rate is as much as 20 times higher among those who are older and/or have an underlying health condition. To avoid getting or transmitting COVID-19, you should exercise the following social-distancing measures:
Wash your hands regularly (at least five times per day) for at least 20 seconds with soap and warm water;
Avoid touching your face;
Remain at least 2 meters away from others while in public;
Be careful when interacting with objects and surfaces that others may have touched;
Prepare a 14 day supply food, water, and other essentials in the event that you need to self quarantine;
Do not horde food, personal protective equipment (masks, gloves), or other essentials as doing so may pose a danger to others;
Stay in your home if you have been exposed to someone who became ill with cold or flu like symptoms; and
Quarantine yourself at home if you are not feeling well.